Sceptical spirituality

Deepak Chopra: How to Know God

Classics of spiritual misdirection #4

Peter Eastman
10 min readSep 23, 2021


Front cover of Chropra’s book.
(Front cover)

Introductory remarks:

If any of the books in this series are essential to your life, and if you love them and depend on them, then please don’t read what follows. It’s not for you. Honestly — stay away ! My intention is not to hurt the feelings of devotees and believers. These articles are directed solely at those who, having read the texts in question, suspect that the author may be propagating an illusion.

Important disclaimer:

The angle from which we are approaching examples in this series is very unusual in the sense that we have not the slightest interest in scandal, hypocrisy, criminality, alcoholism, sexual misconduct or any of the rest of the supposed ‘sins’ to which religious teachers regularly succumb (just read the news!). We are interested solely in the validity or otherwise of the spiritual teachings proposed; all the rest is irrelevant. In other words, we don’t care if the spiritual…



Peter Eastman

Independent Buddhist counsellor, teacher & writer. A quest for an objective spiritual Truth, devoid of any type of doctrine, belief or religion. Scepticism 101.