Book: Sceptical Spirituality

Does God exist?

Let’s take a look

Peter Eastman
13 min readOct 18, 2022


Collaged artwork (by the author) of a supposed ‘deity’.
Collaged artwork (by the author) of a supposed ‘deity’.

It shouldn’t be beyond the wit of human beings to come up with a few clear thoughts on this topic. If nothing else, we can treat this as a basic exercise in sceptical spiritual exploration.

But how exactly do we ‘take a look’? What ‘capacity’ do we use to do this? In other words, and to put it more crudely, which of our organs do we deploy in this (presumably important) quest for (presumably important) facts and answers? Do we use our hearts, or our minds, or some other capacity? If not our hearts, or our minds, then which ‘bit’ of ourselves? Maybe something we haven’t yet thought of?

Invariably, in a discussion like this, there are going to be a number of twists, turns, dead-ends and open-ended question marks along the way, but as far as can be intuited right now, they’re all going to have ‘good value’.

The ‘heart’ as a spiritual compass

Let’s start with ‘the heart’, meaning we’re going to let our ‘hearts’ tell us where God is…



Peter Eastman

Independent Buddhist counsellor, teacher & writer. A quest for an objective spiritual Truth, devoid of any type of doctrine, belief or religion. Scepticism 101.