For non-scientists, scientific methods can only ever prove their worth in technology; & technology is wholly about enhancing & improving the living of ordinary life, and thank god we live in times when technology is supreme. But science can tell us nothing about ‘the point’ (ie the ultimate meaning & purpose) of experiential existence because it is incapable of pursuing such a quest, as well as being incapable of appreciating that such a quest might have a decisive (non-religious, non-imaginary) resolution. A lab-based scientific method is largely inappropriate to metaphysical exploration because (the clue is in the name) metaphysical realms are beyond physicalist empiricism, but this does not mean that they are conceptually fictional, relying on imaginary beliefs & doctrines, and perhaps on mystically altered states. Genuine metaphysics requires ruthless scepticism as well as clarity of mind, as well as a type of experimental testability – if an avenue of exploration does not produce results, then it has to be abandoned. This is not about philosophy, or grandiose speculation, or faith in imaginings; but nor is it about the belief that science, through technology, can deliver anything other than improvements to our physical surroundings.