If you examine the ‘experiencing of experience’ persistently & objectively you will inevitably see that facets of experience such as ‘self’ and ‘I’ are not anchored in anything in particular and can always be replaced by other facets such as ‘not self’ or ‘not me’, which means in turn that the ordinary concept of causation has no metaphysical value as a piece of insight – anything can be said to ‘cause’ anything else. In other words, there is no immutable link between self/Self and anything in particular – let alone suffering - except in esoteric doctrine. Worse still, the idea of an ‘I’ (a distinct ego or ego self) as the locus of cumulative realisations of one sort or another (intellectual or mystical or whatever) is mistaken: any set of realisations (no matter how seemingly profound) can always be replaced by any others, indefinitely. (Btw: suffering is not ‘caused’ by anything – it is a primordial ontological experience in itself, like pleasure or cold or confusion, and can’t be avoided, obviated or transcended without damaging normal experiencing.)