I'm trying to stick to the core ideas here, as there is quite a lot that could be discussed.
"Well if you had really "done your homework" you would know the answer to this. Using these Nonduality is a word used to describe "everything that exists, without the separations of concepts caused by the human mind". It's called non-dual because it's not-two, but it's also not-one, since it's beyond all concepts and inclusive of all concepts.
Nondual awareness is the realisation of this. It's a shift in perspective. It's hard to put into words because words inherently are dualistic, they chop things up into discrete ideas and categories."
'Nonduality' is not a concept? It's beyond a concept? And it's something that can be realised? How do you do that, exactly? Do you clear your mind of all concepts, and then everything falls into place? Which part of you do you use to clear your mind of all concepts? Not your mind obviously. Is there something which transcends mind? I'm not disputing the possibility, but I want someone to point to it - somehow - and identify it.
But there are more interesting questions: what's wrong with concepts? Why do we have them? And how exactly - other than as a piece of New Age dogma - are they limiting? Take a concept like 'everything'? Is that limiting? Where does the limiting bit come in?
Well let's go all out nondual then. Everything, including limiting concepts, and duality, and dual awareness, is divine. What has been achieved? Is this a better state to be in, than being just 'ordinary'? And isn't poor old 'ordinary' divine too?