The ultimate mystery in philosophy & metaphysics

Going beyond Nagel and his ‘like a bat’: an exercise in primordial ontology, involving both conceptual clarification and observational drilling down

Peter Eastman
19 min readFeb 15, 2024


(Artwork by the author.)

Introduction Nagel and his ‘what it’s like to be a bat’
An ontology of subjectivity
Is ‘what it’s like to be me’ a crucial marker of interiority?
The ontological ground of perceptibility itself: the ‘apprehending
Markers of subjectivity and interiority
The ontological interchangeability of perceptual markers
Interiority and the ‘ultimate metaphysical mystery’: existence itself called into question
Summary and Conclusion

Nagel’s ‘like a bat’ is ‘the most widely cited and influential thought experiment about consciousness.’ Daniel Dennett (1991)


Philosophy and metaphysics are both notoriously uninformative when it comes to a plain and simple ontology of ‘consciousness’, and anyone studying the literature will…



Peter Eastman

Independent Buddhist counsellor, teacher & writer. A quest for an objective spiritual Truth, devoid of any type of doctrine, belief or religion. Scepticism 101.